How PWC Can Help In Creating Mini Playgrounds On Vacant Lots

Creating high-quality parks and recreational amenities can be a challenge, particularly in inner-city neighborhoods, where there is limited space for such facilities. The diminishing open spaces mean residents have little opportunity to meet their physical and recreational needs and creating mini playgrounds on vacant lots becomes a necessity.

One of the emerging innovations in many urban areas to meet the park and recreational facilities’ needs is by creating mini playgrounds. A pocket park is a tiny outdoor recreational space that is usually no more than a ¼ acre. If your municipality has some vacant lots, these can be prime candidates for pocket parks to serve the municipality’s growing requirements. Public Works Consultants can help you transform these small-scale open urban spaces into safe and inviting havens right amid your existing urban infostructure to create safe places where people can gather, rest, and enjoy the outdoors. We can help you optimize and make the most of these often-forgotten spaces.

Creating Mini Playgrounds

Public Works Consultants takes a strategic approach to the development of green open spaces and creating mini playgrounds. With our consultancy services, we can transform your existing open spaces regardless of the size into usable public spaces for all.

Pocket Park Concept Plan:

Public Works Consultants can closely collaborate with you in developing pocket parks from the concept and design phase to community engagement and direct stakeholder engagement with the concerned residents, particularly those that will be living adjacent to the planned park. This way, we ensure the highest levels of transparency when it comes to transforming those vacant lots in your municipality into usable public areas.

Arbor Day Initiative

Feasibility Studies:

Public Works development can evaluate the feasibility of building pocket parks in your selected areas. The consulting team will analyze both the physical and financial feasibility of creating a micro park at the chosen location. These factors can cover a broad scope depending on your requirements and include but are not limited to the site analysis, identifying the potential space limitations and options, cost estimation, and benefits analysis of the possible pocket park project.

Our feasibility studies gather intel from the resident survey responses, stakeholder discussions, the trends in pocket park development, and comprehensive market analysis on the need for a pocket park in your community.

Identify Open Spaces:

PWC consultants can work with your team to identify optimal sites in your community for the construction of a pocket park.  

Community Engagement for creating mini playgrounds:

Community engagement is crucial to the success of public projects.  Many neighboring residents to proposed park projects may be concerned about noise and privacy issues. Other concerns include anti-social behavior, visual access, tree roots as well as traffic. PWC consultants can come up with new concept plans that will address all these concerns. The team at PWC can also provide tailored responses to the concerns raised by the adjacent community when developing your mini-park. We work with your community to come up with designs that will truly capture the diversity as well as the character of the surrounding neighborhoods. Most importantly, we incorporate ideas and feedback from your community into the design, accessible, and sustainable of the park that will serve your community for years to come.

Pocket Park Design and Development:

PWC consultants have the expertise that will transform your odd vacant spaces into thriving parks that contribute to the livability of your city. Our design and development team taps into the vital ingredients, which are crucial to generating an impact in your community through quality recreational facilities. We deliver designs that your community craves. We offer you concepts that transform those petite and often forgotten public spaces into places where people would actually want to spend some quality time.

Our pocket park designs will regenerate public spaces, particularly in high-density urban areas starved of expansive public recreational areas. Our design consultancy for pocket parks captures the essence of your public spaces as well as the needs of your community to create vibrant diminutive urban gardens, streetscapes, playscapes, rooftop parks, or even monuments. We design attractive urban refuges that make the most of small urban footprints to deliver very positive public experiences in congested cities.

Tender Documentation for creating mini playgrounds:

You can trust the Public Works Consultants to liaise with your team and all the sub-consultants involved in the project to come up with a professionally done, high quality, and comprehensive tender documentation package for your project. We can collaboratively work with the surveyors, engineers and other contractors involved for expeditious tender documentation.

Contract Administration for creating mini playgrounds:

If you are hiring a contractor to develop the park, we can provide construction administration services. Contract administration entails managing projects to ensure that they are complying with and fulfilling all contract conditions. The efficient management by the PWC minimizes disputes and ensures you have a successful run with your contractors.

Our contract administration work begins as soon as you have formally engaged your building contractor for your micro-park projects. We offer service which will cover all the phases of the project execution, including the construction work, subcontracting, procurement, and commissioning. We will also be involved in the rectification of defects in the event you aren’t satisfied with any aspect of our city’s new pocket park.

The PWC team performs the contract administration work to ensure the smooth running, management, and execution of your building projects. The team has a breadth of experience in contract administration work and an in-depth knowledge of construction management, standards, and processes. With a pragmatic approach and an ability to solve problems on-the-go, even in the most complex situations, the PWC team can add value to your pocket park development projects. We do this via a professional and proactive approach to contract management. The consultants at PWC will offer effective leadership, manage risks, and stakeholders while leveraging their deep understanding of the public works project execution.

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