How PWC Can Help With Urban Forestry and Shade Tree Commissions

Green infrastructure is an integral part of the urban landscape. Public Works Consultants can assist your municipality in designing and developing your urban forestry and shade tree commissions policy and planning. Our service is geared to helping local governments build on their capacity and improve their knowledge of how to best green their cities.   

PWC understands that trees can be a vital asset in improving the value and the livability of your community. And we bring on board the professional management required to maximize the positive impact and potential of those green assets.

The PWC greening consulting team has the expertise and skills to help you with the planning, assessment, development, and management of your urban, suburban, and community forests.


shade tree commissions

We offer local governments qualified independent advice as well as assessments on their urban forestry projects. The team can be your go-to experts for all your urban tree needs; these include tree appraisal, risk assessment, site development reviews, developing policy, and tree preservation action plans.

The PWC team brings forth a great combination of research, field experience, and science-based methods in our urban forestry consulting. No matter how simple or complex your urban forestry and tree commissions are, you can trust the PWC to offer you the best advice, concepts, and plans on how to realize your urban forestry needs.

Urban Forestry Planning and Management:

The beefing up or creation of your urban forests should be preceded by efficient planning and management. Public Works Consultants can offer your municipality professional advice on how to plan for and manage a healthy, safe, and sustainable urban forest and shade tree commissions. Our professionals deliver expert advice to enable you to execute a turnkey urban forestry solution for your city.

With the help of PWC consultants, you can realize both the short and long-term objectives of your urban forestry initiatives. We help you develop management plans by leveraging proven industry tools, including stakeholder engagement, sustainability, and management audits. We then execute a SWOT analysis on the state of your urban forests, devising performance indicators, and delivering measurements and milestones on your urban forestry initiatives.

Performing a canopy cover analysis:

How much tree cover does your urban area or local authority have? We break it down for you, suburb by suburb, with a comprehensive canopy cover analysis. We can analyze the land use zones as well as tenures to help you identify gaps and opportunities for intervention to increase urban forest cover.

Urban Forestry Policy and Programming:

We deliver professional consulting services to help you integrate green infrastructure plans into your municipality’s pre-existing policy as well as strategic objectives. Does your existing policy objectives include the embedding of urban forest as well as shade tree priorities? The team at PWC can assist you with this. We help you insert these important sustainable priorities into your policy and programming across all the relevant departments and disciplines in your local authority.

Top Management Buy-In:

We can work on top management buy-in. The PWC team can offer you a green consulting plan that advocates for and drives change with the key decision-makers in your local municipality. The PWC team can consult, negotiate, and inform all levels of decision-making in your local municipality to help you realize smarter and more effective on-ground greening solutions.

Site Analysis:

Public Works Consultants can perform a professional site analysis for your urban forestry initiatives. We can assist you in establishing the landscapes and mapping out native efforts for development or protection. We can set specifications and guidelines that you can use to protect and build on your urban vegetation. The team can also be in charge of contract administration, offering on-site monitoring and inspection to ensure contract compliance during your urban forestry initiatives. With PWC’s help, you can keep your trees alive and well while building on your canopy cover even after the contractor has left the site.

Performing a Tree Risk Assessment:

Mature native and ornamental trees which have been grown on managed landscapes need to be inspected regularly to try and establish their hazards. Also, the need for preservation and maintenance specifications that the local authority can follow moving forward. PWC can help your municipality to set out the modalities for tree preservation and tree risk assessment. Proper urban forestry and shade tree commissions must carefully balance the aesthetics and safety aspects.

A Canopy Action Plan:

The Public Works Consultants has an experienced team of sustainability consultants who can devise management and strategy plans for your urban forestry objectives. We can carry out a comprehensive analysis of the community forest and the management of resources at hand to develop a canopy action plan that will see your municipality realize high-quality vegetation planting, management, and care.

Maintaining Tree Inventories:

PWC can provide your local authority a comprehensive data collection and analysis service that helps you get a clear and more granular picture of your tree populations. The team at Public Works Consultants can offer professional consulting services on the inspection and documentation of the tree populations in your locality with accurate and detailed information on their conditions, maintenance, planting and maintenance specifications, and much more.

Tree Planting Plans and Designs:

With PWC’s comprehensive urban forestry consulting, you will have all it takes to plan, plant, and efficiently manage your urban canopy. We can offer you recommendations on selecting the right tree species and planting them in the right place. We can also advise your Public Works Department on how best to plant trees to satisfy all the aspects of your municipality’s sustainable tree population.

We can assist with the following:

  • Urban forestry master plans
  • Tree species selection
  • Tree planting programs for your locality
  • Maintenance schedules for your urban tree cover
  • Comprehensive tree inventories
  • Comprehensive data collection and analysis on your urban tree cover
  • Operational and working plans for enhancing your urban forestry coverage

Tree Safety Audit for shade tree commissions:

Public Works Consultants can perform professional tree risk assessments in diverse settings ranging from the small scale residential areas to larger-scale property developments. The consultants can subsequently deliver an easy-to-understand report on the findings and recommendations complete with maps, databases on tree data, photos of trees, and a report on the risk value of your urban canopy.

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